Pashinyan comments on Azeri roadblock at Kapan-Goris interstate highway - Gündem
12 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արեգ / Օր : Անի / Ժամ : Խաւարակ

Gündem :

26 Ağustos 2021  

Pashinyan comments on Azeri roadblock at Kapan-Goris interstate highway -

Pashinyan comments on Azeri roadblock at Kapan-Goris interstate highway Pashinyan comments on Azeri roadblock at Kapan-Goris interstate highway

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says the Azerbaijani military have blocked the Karmrakar-Shurnukh section of the Kapan-Goris interstate road under a false reason alleging that an incident took place overnight where Armenian troops stabbed Azeri border guards.

“We are officially announcing that this information is false,” Pashinyan said in parliament. “If the Azerbaijani side has substantiations corroborating that something like that happened, we urge them to convey that information so we can investigate it and understand what happened,” he continued.

He noted that the part where the Azeri military blocked the road is the section of the Kapan-Goris road which, by Soviet-era maps, was outside Soviet-Armenia.

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