Ermenistan parlamentosuna soykırım tazminat yasa tasarısı sunuldu - Haber Arşivi 2001-2011
25 Kasım 2024 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Տրե / Օր : Ցրօն / Ժամ : Առագոտ

Haber Arşivi 2001-2011 :

28 Nisan 2010  

Ermenistan parlamentosuna soykırım tazminat yasa tasarısı sunuldu -

Ermenistan parlamentosuna soykırım tazminat yasa tasarısı sunuldu

Erivan- Ermenilerin militan gurubu Ermeni Devrimci Federasyonu'na bağlı milletvekilleri Ermenistan parlamentosuna, soykırımını inkarın ve soykırımına girişenlerin cezalandırılmasını isteyen bir yasa taslağını sundu. Bu tasarıya göre, soykırımında yaşamını kaybedenlerin yakınları Osmanlı ve devamı Türkiye aleyhine tazminat davası açabilecek. Ermenistan parlamentosundaki bir çok gurup tarafından da desteklenen tasarının kısa bir sürede oylanarak kabul edilmesi bekleniyor. Bu arada Kuzey Amerika Kürt Kongresi adındaki örgüt bir bildiri yayınlayarak Ermeni soykırımını andı ve sorumluların cezalandırılmasını istedi. Genelde PKK'ya destek çıkan bu örgüt tarafından Ermenilere gönderilen mektup

Honorable Armenian Friends
Ladies and Gentlemen

On behalf of the Kurdish National Congress of North America I would like to extend our heartfelt sympathy to you for the “Armenian Genocide” at the hand of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

Dear friends, for Turkey to stubbornly continue to deny the genocide of the Armenians while striving to reconsolidate its position as a democratic nation at the regional and international stages could only be seen as a hypocritical and deceptive maneuver to further solidify its arrogant stand before the world. Because, the fact of the matter is that the world community has become more cognizant and lauder than ever before to support the Armenians and recognizes what the Turkish Ottoman Empire committed against the innocent Armenians was a preplanned, organized, and all out genocidal campaign to eradicate the Armenian roots in the region.

Turkey sheds “crocodile tears” for the Palestinian children and supports the Palestinian cause. However, Turkey’s denial of accepting the responsibility for murdering Armenian children in 1915, and suppressing the very basic human rights of the Kurdish children to speak their native language is inhumane and unjust.

Further, Turkey carries a badge of democracy while eulogizing an old empire that was establish on cruelty and suppression against non-Muslims such the ancient Armenians is morally wrong and cannot be supported by any ethical or legal standard in the modern world.

Furthermore, adhering to an inherently racist and myopic Constitution and deny the Armenian genocide and the existence of more 20 million Kurds in Turkey is an insult to every aspect of human integrity. Therefore, it is imperative for the Turkish authorities to realize that a bright future cannot be built on the ruins of the past. For Turkey to be accepted as a viable member of the democratic and civilized world, Turkey has to accept the responsibility for the Armenian genocide and recognize the Kurdish national and democratic rights.

Kind regards,

Kurdish National Congress of North America

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