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P.S. ¸áõù ϳñáÕ »ù ÙÇ³Ý³É ÙÛáõëÝ»ñÇÝ ¹ÇÙ»Éáí press@google.com-ÇÝ Ñ»ï»õÛ³É Ý³Ù³Ïáí£
Dear Google,
I would like to express my deepest concerns and disappointment for an anti-Christian and anti-Armenian propaganda on your website.
While searching Armenian or Armenia in Google, a sponsored-link of Google appears on the right corner with Manifesto-Campaign 2003 headline. The description of the link speaks of campaign against Armenian terror. When you click on the website you appear in a hate site full of immorality, lies and offences against Christians and Armenians.
The website calls the entire nation of Armenia terrorist. The website calls the Armenian nation a tribe (therefore; sub humans). This is an offense not only against the Armenian nation, but also against the humanity and the Christian world. Another description for Armenia (which adopted Christianity in 301AD becoming the first Christian nation on Earth) is he first organized Christian tribe in terrorism. One of the hilarious lies of the website is the discovery that Turks are people, with roots deep in 10.000 years of history! (Nobody has ever questioned the historical record that Turks, originally from China, moved to their modern-day residence in the 11th century, AD).
The point of the website is to deny the Armenian Genocide, the 90th anniversary of which was commemorated by the whole world this year.
It is unbelievable and sad to see Google cooperating with these fascist and racist activists. Though the deal between Google and those people is apparently financial, ethics and morality should have prevented Google supporting hate speeches.
I hope Google will remove the website and apologize to the Armenian and Christian world for these offences. Google should announce that it officially recognizes the Armenian Genocide.
Otherwise, two million Armenian community of California and the rest of the world will be asked to boycott Google.
If Google does not take any actions to return its credibility and apologize to the world for supporting those immoral Turkish offenses, Google should be asked to give explanation in American courts.
Bu haber kaynağından gelmektedir.
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