​Armenian Assembly of America stands united with Armenian community amid Los Angeles fires - English
26 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արեգ / Օր : Նպատ / Ժամ : Արփող

English :

11 Ocak 2025  

​Armenian Assembly of America stands united with Armenian community amid Los Angeles fires -

​Armenian Assembly of America stands united with Armenian community amid Los Angeles fires ​Armenian Assembly of America stands united with Armenian community amid Los Angeles fires

The Armenian Assembly of America issued the following statement in the wake of the devastating Los Angeles wildfires:

The Armenian Assembly of America extends its heartfelt thoughts and prayers to our Assembly family, friends, and supporters, and all impacted as Los Angeles faces its most destructive fires in its history, which has tragically resulted in casualties, injuries, and the loss of thousands of homes, schools, and businesses. The losses to the Armenian community and greater Los Angeles profoundly affect us all.

We extend our gratitude to all of the firefighters and first responders who are working day and night to respond to the immense fires in order to protect our communities. The Assembly stands with those affected.

Please refer to the list below for information on emergency support, shelter, and community resources.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Assembly Western Region Director David Ojakian at dojakian@aaainc.org.

LA County Emergency Information and Resources including shelters: https://lacounty.gov/emergency/

LA City Resources: emergency.lacity.gov/updates for up-to-date information

American Red Cross Shelters and Disaster Relief Services:

FEMA/Disaster Assistance:

• Residents and businesses impacted by the ongoing wildfires can begin applying for assistance at www.disasterassistance.gov or by calling 800-621-FEMA (3362) or by using the FEMA App.

• Relief includes: displacement assistance for up to 14 days to help cover hotel costs for those forced to evacuate, $770 for essential items, and larger direct grants to cover essential costs, medical bills, cars, and more. Small Business Administration low-interest loans are available for impacted small business owners and residents.

Stay Informed:
• Register for emergency alerts at Alert LA County
• Save the contact for Alert LA County in your phone:
• Phone Alerts: (213) 255-3911
• Email Alerts: Alert LA County (from email address noreply@genasys.com)
• Text/SMS: Sender ID 65513

Real Time Fire Alerts: http://app.watchduty.org

Social Media Updates:
• LA County Fire: @LACoFDPIO
• LA County Sheriff: @LASDHQ
• LA County: @CountyofLA
• Office of Emergency Management: @ReadyLACounty

Public Health:
Safe Clean-Up After a Fire

Mental Health:
Mental Health and Stress after an Emergency

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