Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake Hits Iran, Felt in Armenia - English
26 Aralık 2024 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Քաղոց / Օր : Նպատ / Ժամ : Թաղանթեալ

English :

06 Ekim 2022  

Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake Hits Iran, Felt in Armenia -

Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake Hits Iran, Felt in Armenia Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake Hits Iran, Felt in Armenia

A magnitude 5.1 earthquake hit 34 km southeast of the city of Khoy, Iran at 17:51 local time (13:51 GMT), Armenia’s Seismic Protection Service reports.

The intensity of the tremor reached 7 at the epicenter.

The earthquake was felt in Armenia’s Syunik, Vayots Dzor And Ararat Provinces.

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