​Syrian President receives Catholicos Aram I - English
14 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արեգ / Օր : Վանատուր / Ժամ : Զօրացեալ

English :

23 Mayıs 2022  

​Syrian President receives Catholicos Aram I -

​Syrian President receives Catholicos Aram I ​Syrian President receives Catholicos Aram I

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad received Tuesday His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.

President al-Assad said that homogeneity in full entity despite the difference in spectrum and religion is the most important characteristics of the Syrian people.

The President added that this homogeneity does not mean dissolution, but rather “the preservation of all components of the identity of the Syrians which boosts their national unity and belonging to this land on which they have existed in for thousands years.”

Catholicos Kechichian and the accompanying delegation noted that the war against Syria, whether through terrorism or the economic blockade, aims to break the unique model that it represents with all its components and spectra and to force Syrian people to emigrate and leave their original homeland, and stressed that the Syrian-Armenians will remain committed to their country and exert their full efforts along with the rest of Syrians in order to overcome the impacts of this war.

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