Roma offers Mkhitaryan to renew contract - English
15 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արեգ / Օր : Արամազդ / Ժամ : Լուսակն

English :

10 Mayıs 2022  

Roma offers Mkhitaryan to renew contract -

Roma offers Mkhitaryan to renew contract Roma offers Mkhitaryan to renew contract

The Italian Roma football club offered Armenian football star Henrikh Mkhitaryan to renew the contract for 2 years, Italian news media reported.

The current contract’s term is ending on July 1.

In the current season Mkhitaryan made 41 appearances with Roma, scoring 4 goals and making 9 assists.

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