​Glendale Memorial Hospital Commemorates 107th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide - English
14 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արեգ / Օր : Վանատուր / Ժամ : Խաւարակ

English :

29 Nisan 2022  

​Glendale Memorial Hospital Commemorates 107th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide -

​Glendale Memorial Hospital Commemorates 107th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide ​Glendale Memorial Hospital Commemorates 107th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Glendale Memorial's Rev. Sarkis Karaminassian led the group in a prayer

Dignity Health – Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center invited staff and physicians to commemorate the 107th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on Friday, April 22.

President and CEO of Glendale Memorial Jill Welton opened the event in the hospital’s main lobby with a history of the genocide, and emphasized the importance of remembering and never forgetting this history and its victims.

Glendale Memorial’s Rev. Sarkis Karaminassian read a poem by an Armenian writer, and shared his own grandmother’s personal experience in fleeing the genocide.

President and CEO of Glendale Memorial Jill Welton offered opening remarks, emphasizing the importance of remembering the victims of the Armenian Genocide

Those in attendance were invited to light electric candles in honor of the lives lost in the ArmenianGenocide and were gifted a candle to light at home with their loved ones.

In honor of the resiliency and historical contributions by Armenains, staff members Marie Filipian and Armenui Agadzhaanyan named 10 Armenian women and men who have made remarkable contributions to our society.

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