​Jewish Groups Express Solidarity with Armenian Priests Injured in Jerusalem Attack - English
05 Şubat 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արաց / Օր : Ահրանք / Ժամ : Արփող

English :

25 Mayıs 2021  

​Jewish Groups Express Solidarity with Armenian Priests Injured in Jerusalem Attack -

​Jewish Groups Express Solidarity with Armenian Priests Injured in Jerusalem Attack ​Jewish Groups Express Solidarity with Armenian Priests Injured in Jerusalem Attack

Representatives of Jewish groups in Israel expressed solidarity with the Armenian community during a visit Sunday to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Approximately 200 representatives of Jewish organizations headquartered in Israel visited the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem to meet with clergymen Tiran Hakobyan and Arbak Sarukhanyan who were attacked recently by extremist religious youth, Chairman of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Reverend Koryun Baghdasaryan announced.

“During the meeting they apologized for the incident and expressed their solidarity and support to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Armenian community. The sides also discussed the development of ways for fighting against similar incidents,” Baghdasaryan said in his statement, which was posted on Facebook.

On May 18, the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem issued a statement, strongly condemning the attack on member of the St. Hakobyants Congregation Reverend Arbak Sarukhanyan who was injured and was immediately hospitalized.

The Patriarchate submitted an official complaint to the Police, after which three of the attackers were arrested.

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