​Summertime Armenian Heritage Park programs return to in-person - Gündem
15 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արեգ / Օր : Արամազդ / Ժամ : Առաւօտ

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13 Mayıs 2021  

​Summertime Armenian Heritage Park programs return to in-person -

​Summertime Armenian Heritage Park programs return to in-person ​Summertime Armenian Heritage Park programs return to in-person

Programs at Armenian Heritage Park on The Greenway, Boston are happening in person beginning in June.

Giving Day is happening on Thursday, May 20. Every gift counts, and can be made on or before May 20, either online or by mail. Donors will be acknowledged in the Park’s Giving Day message of gratitude.

The series of summer programs begin with Tea & Tranquility at the Park. The late afternoon monthly program engages all to come together, meet and greet, walk the labyrinth, view the Abstract Sculpture’s 2021 Reconfiguration, and tie a ribbon on The Wishing Tree. The first Tea & Tranquility is on Wednesday, June 9 at 4pm. Several chefs who participated in the Celebrating What Unites Us! virtual cooking series this past year will be joining us. Boston mayoral candidates will be participating in Tea & Tranquility on July 13. Tea & Tranquility series is offered in collaboration with City of Boston Age-Friendly and MEM Tea Imports.

The Labyrinth Walking Wellness series is a monthly program on Sunday afternoons at 2 pm. The series was held virtually this past year to keep people connected, coming together. It is being offered in collaboration with the City of Boston Age-Friendly, Boston Public Health Commission, The Eliot K-8 Innovation School/Boston Public School and The Greenway Conversancy Fitness program. The focus of the first program on Sunday, June 13 is Labyrinth Walking: A Mindfulness Tool, followed by Labyrinth Walking: A Self-Discovery Journey on Sunday, July 11 and Labyrinth Walking: A Wellness Journey on Sunday August 1. Co-facilitators for the series are Kristin Asadourian, MSW – leadership coach and founder of Living Become, LLC and Katrina Piehler, CWC, LMT, wellness coach and founder of Living from Center.

Under the August Moon is set for Thursday, August 18 at 7:30 pm.

As historic Faneuil Hall has yet to reopen, planning is on hold for the welcome reception for new citizens and their families at the Park following their naturalization ceremony at Faneuil Hall. The annual program, hosted by the Park’s Noubar and Anna Afeyan Endowed Fund, is offered in collaboration with the City of Boston, arts and community organizations.

Programs are planned under the leadership of the Friends of Armenian Heritage Park Programs Planning Team: Kristin Asadourian, Jason Behrens, Andrea Burns, Susan Deranian, Tom Dow, Manneh Ghazarians, Carol Ishkanian. Catherine Minassian, Dr. Armineh Mirzabegian, Rita Pagliuca, Katrina Piehler, Tsoleen Sarian, Barbara Tellalian, Ann Zacarian, Chiara Megighian Zenati and Zareh Zurabyan.

Friends of Armenian Heritage Park is an initiative of the Armenian Heritage Foundation, comprised of representatives from parishes and organizations within the Armenian American community in Massachusetts. Honorary Chairs are Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian and Rachel Kaprielian. Executive Committee members are James Kalustian, founding president; Bruce Bagdasarian, Esq. and Walter Nahabedian, Vice Presidents; Lucy Hoosian, Clerk and Karen Dederyan, Treasurer.

For further information, please visit ArmenianHeritagePark.org, email hello@ArmenianHeirtagePark.org or call 617.803.8785.This article is a press release submitted to the Armenian Weekly. If your organization has news it would like to submit to the paper for consideration, please email us at editor@armenianweekly.com.

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