​Kim Kardashian, Cher, Serj Tankian call to expand educational opportunities for students in Armenia - English
26 Şubat 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Մեհեկան / Օր : Նպատ / Ժամ : Շանթակող

English :

06 Mayıs 2021  

​Kim Kardashian, Cher, Serj Tankian call to expand educational opportunities for students in Armenia -

​Kim Kardashian, Cher, Serj Tankian call to expand educational opportunities for students in Armenia ​Kim Kardashian, Cher, Serj Tankian call to expand educational opportunities for students in Armenia and Artsakh

Kim Kardashian, Cher, Serj Tankian call to expand educational opportunities for students in Armenia and Artsakh

Hope For Armenia, Teach For Armenia. With these words, Kim Kardashian, Cher, Serj Tankian, Eric Esrailian and a number of other prominent Armenians are making a call to join Teach For Armenia in expanding educational opportunities for students in Armenia and Artsakh.

On Thursday, May 6th, Teach For Armenia will be hosting the #HopeForArmenia virtual event that celebrates Teach For Armenia’s work creating access to educational opportunities for students in Armenia and Artsakh.

The event will feature celebrity guests, supporters, Board members, Alumni-Ambassadors, Teacher-Leaders, and students in reflecting on the accomplishments and unveiling exciting new plans for the future.

The event will be open to the public and broadcasted on Teach For Armenia’s Facebook page and PanArmenian TV at 8:00 p.m. EDT/5:00 p.m. PDT.

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