​French lawmakers visit Yerablur military cemetery in Yerevan - Gündem
17 Mart 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արեգ / Օր : Ասակ / Ժամ : Ծայգն

Gündem :

01 Mayıs 2021  

​French lawmakers visit Yerablur military cemetery in Yerevan -

​French lawmakers visit Yerablur military cemetery in Yerevan ​French lawmakers visit Yerablur military cemetery in Yerevan

French lawmakers François Pupponi, Erablur Xavier Breton, Guy Teissier, Valérie Boyer and Marguerite Deprez-Audebert visited the Yerablur military cemetery in Yerevan.

“I realized how many soldiers fell in the recent conflict in Artsakh and how young they were. I want to show all the Armenian people, their families and loved ones all my support. I will never forget their sacrifice and suffering and I will always remain committed to the Armenian cause,” François Pupponi said in a Facebook post.

“The fight they waged at the risk of their lives was a fight for their freedom but it was also one to protect us Europeans against obscurantism and Turkish-Azeri hegemony.

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