​Center where numerous Armenian offices are located is damaged in Beirut explosion - English
05 Şubat 2025 - Հակական տոմար - Տարի : 4517 / Ամիս : Արաց / Օր : Ահրանք / Ժամ : Ճառագայթեալ

English :

05 Ağustos 2020  

​Center where numerous Armenian offices are located is damaged in Beirut explosion -

​Center where numerous Armenian offices are located is damaged in Beirut explosion ​Center where numerous Armenian offices are located is damaged in Beirut explosion

The Shaghzoian Center, where the offices of many Armenian organizations are located, has suffered heavy material damage as a result of the large explosion in the port of Beirut, reported the Aztag Armenian daily newspaper published in Lebanon.

The windows and doors of these offices are broken and shattered, and the office of the Armenian members of the Lebanese parliament has also been severely damaged.

The editorial office of Aztag, an Armenian printing house, an Armenian exhibition hall, and several other Armenian offices have suffered material damage.

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